Rules and Forms for Submission
Now Showing:
On view from September 14th to November 2nd
Reception September 20th 6:00-7:00 pm
For questions contact show chairperson Betty Manhart
Included Member Artists
Janet de Aguero
Diane Gregor
Patty Hale
Deb Hart
Alexander Jones
Judith Lasley
Betty Manhart
Mary McClain
Raymond Mueller
Fatemeh Nichols
Rick Preis
Pam Schallenberg
And the Winners are:
1st Place – Patty Hale, Along the Path
2nd Place – Janet de Aguero, Charleston, NC
3rd Place – Diane Gregor, Live Oak with Moss
Honorable Mention – Mary McClain, Sunrise at Oxbow Bend
Honorable Mention – Alexander Jones, Tuscan Country Bunnies
Honorable Mention – Rick Preis, End of a Perfect Day
Judge: Tristan Crider
Past Shows:
Just in time for the Cicada season, we’re following up the Flowers theme with Bugs. Our members take a close-up look at the fascinating world of insects, spiders, and any other related creatures that crawl, hop, or fly.
On view from July 13th to September 14th
Reception July 19th 6:00-7:00 pm
For questions contact show chairperson Janet de Agüero
Included Member Artists:
Deb Hart
Judith Lasley
Jess Manasco
Elizabeth Manhart
Jason Manhart
Raymond Mueller
Fatemeh Nichols
Pam Schallenberg
Constance Tulley
Kathy Wharton
And the Winners are:
1st Place – Jason Manhart, Cicada
2nd Place – Fatemeh Nichols, Butterfly Convention
3rd Place – Jess Manasco, Swallowtail on Lilacs
Honorable Mention – Deb Hart, Lightning Bugs Aglow
Artists from the most traditional to the most avant-garde have always been attracted to the color, form, and natural beauty of flowers. Just in time for the Spring-Summer season, we present our members’ contributions to a favorite theme.
On view from May 11th to July 12th
Reception May 17th 6:00-7:00 pm
For questions contact show chairperson David Arnold
Included Member Artists:
Janet de Aguero
Miguel de Aguero
Deb Hart
Angela Helbing
Alexander Jones
Judith Lasley
Elizabeth Manhart
Kristina McGraw
Raymond Mueller
Fatemeh Nichols
Maxine Scheske
Pam Shollenberg
And the Winners are:
1st Place – Fatemeh Nichols
2nd Place – Elizabeth Manhart
3rd Place – Deb Hart
Honorable Mention – Janet de Aguero
Emulating the Masters
Artists have long practiced a tradition of studying well-known works from masters and paid homage to their favorite art heroes. This exhibit illustrates the many ways artists find inspiration from those that come before them.
On view from March 9th to May 10th
Reception March 15th 6:00-7:00 pm
For questions contact show chairperson Miguel de Aguero
Included Member Artists:
Janet de Aguero
Deb Hart
Susan Heitman
Alexander Jones
Judith Lasley
Elizabeth Manhart
Raymond Mueller
Maxine Scheske
Constance Tulley
Kathy Wharton
And the Winners are:
1st Place – Judith Lasley
2nd Place – Susan Heitman
3rd Place – Constance Tulley
Honorable Mentions – Deb Hart and Raymond Mueller
Still Life
On view from January 13th to March 9th
Reception January 26th
Judge: Gary Lucy
For questions contact show chairperson Raymond Mueller
Included Member Artists:
David Arnold
Janet de Aguero
Miguel de Aguero
Deb Hart
Alexander Jones
Judith Lasley
Elizabeth Manhart
Jason Manhart
Raymond Mueller
Maxine Scheske
Constance Tulley
Kathy Wharton
And the Winners are:
1st Place – David Arnold
2nd Place – Jason Manhart
3rd Place – Miguel de Aguero
Honorable Mention – Elizabeth Manhart